At Demades Design we like to stretch imagination and creativity to a higher lever. We were given the brief to design a petrol station for the future offering a totally new experience to motorists and car enthusiasts. A great challenge and a perfect opportuinty for our enthusiastic deisgn team to design a petrol station with a totally new design languange. The result has surpassed any expectation and the reaction of the public was overwelming rating the Fillngo Nisou as one of the most popular stations of the Capital.

The design journey was an enjoyable one having the opportunity not only to design a new petrol station but to develop the brand as the brand itself was developed from Demades Design Studio. For the brand key elements we chose the aqua blue colour was chosen, that reflects the clean waters that surrownd the islatnd of Cyprus and also the cleaner filtered fuels that Fillngo offered at all Fillngo stations.
The latest state of the art FillnGo petrol station opened to the public in December 2020. Advanced design, dynamic lines high technology materials and unique effect lighting makes this new FillnGo station a new statement that stands out from any other station in Europe.